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Summary of Tao Te Ching 

4.7 . 3066 reviews

Short summary

Tao Te Ching is a classic Chinese philosophical text that has been cherished and passed on through centuries and generations. Originally written over 2000 years ago, it remains relevant, powerful, and impactful even in the realities of the 21st century. The author of this sacred text is the renowned Lao-Tzu, an ancient Master of Thought and an influential figure in Chinese philosophy and literature. This beautifully written classic, though relatively concise, will help you better understand the concept of Tao and the core ideas of Taoism. Nowadays, the wise words of Lao-Tzu can be helpful for those who are hoping to find inner balance and learn to live in harmony with the world. This summary will help you learn more about the wonderful intricacies of Taoism and how they can be applied to better your life. “Only through experience, only through living life to the full, in both the inner and outer worlds, can the true nature of the Tao be understood and communicated. Not through words.” ~ Lao-Tzu

Table of content

  • Summary of Tao Te Ching
  • About the author
  • What is Tao Te Ching about?
  • Who should read Tao Te Ching
  • Topics in Tao Te Ching
first key point

The essence of Taoism is in the harmony and quiet

Listen the first key point
Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy, comparable in its longevity and endurance only, perhaps, to Confucianism. Tao Te Ching, meaning The Tao and the Power, is its founding text, a collection of the core ideas and beliefs of true Taoists. This little book that consists of only about 5000 words has been translated, rewritten, analyzed, and repeatedly criticized, never ceasing to influence and transform the mindsets of its readers.

While Confucianism emphasizes the importance of order, traditions, duty, and definite hierarchy, Taoism, on the other hand, focuses on complete opposites. It highlights the value of inner freedom, constant cultivation of the self, meditation, and staying in touch with the harmonies of the cosmos. Confucianism is harsh and rigid, but Taoism is soft and gentle.

What is Tao? What is Taoism? These seemingly easy questions have no simple answers. The concept of Tao is indescribable, impossible to put into words. One of the literal meanings of the word Tao is “way” or “road,” but it has surpassed these simple definitions. Tao can be understood as the fundamental art, the order of nature, the essence of every living thing in the universe, the soul of the cosmos. It is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
To say that the Tao is the origin, totality, and animating impulse of all that is, ever was, and ever shall be is inadequate, for this would exclude what is not, never was, and never shall be. It is ultimately ineffable. ~ Lao-Tzu
Though it may seem confusing, it is quite easy to comprehend what Tao means when you get to know the teachings of Lao-Tzu. The leading idea of Taoism is the belief that there is a simple way of attaining a healthier and better life, one that is gentle, kind, and harmonious.
To be in touch with Tao is to be in harmony with the fundamental laws of the universe.
In the following chapters, you will learn about the ideas of Taoism that have been inspiring people for two and a half millennia — since the dawn of the human race.

Did you know? The Inner Light and All Things Must Pass, songs written by the Beatles, are variations on different chapters of Tao Te Ching and were inspired by the Taoist ideas.
second key point

Lack of words can be just as powerful as the most articulate speeches

The True Tao of Nature cannot be told in words, and it can’t be named. It is transcendental and ineffable, unlike the worldly things that can be named — wealth, glory, power. Yet, despite its wordless nature, we return again and again to the limits of language to explain the unexplainable. Origin, Mother, Source — these are the words we use to express the nature of Tao.
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third key point

Taoism seeks to make our lives pure and free of temptations

fourth key point

Knowing when to let things go is an art

fifth key point

Ideal leadership is often invisible

sixth key point

Be your own moral compass

seventh key point


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Who should read Tao Te Ching


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