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Summary ofĀ Surrounded by IdiotsĀ 

Short summary

In life, meeting people is inevitable. We meet new people daily as we go about our activities. While communication is easy with some people, it can be complicated with others. This is because the different people in our lives have different temperaments that make interactions tricky. This summary aims at revealing the different behavior types and how you can effectively communicate with them. Thomas Erikson is an author and expert in the field of communication. He focuses on working with developing organizations from a leadership perspective. In the past 18 years, Erikson has successfully trained over 5000 executives. In this summary, he explains how effective communication can change your life and why you should begin now to learn. ā€œSince I began studying how people function and intentionally strove to understand the differences in the way we communicate, Iā€™ve changed. Iā€™m not as categorical anymore, judging people just because they are not like me.ā€ ~ Thomas Erikson

Key points


There is no universal behavior type; people are built differently and we must accept that

In high school, Erikson noticed that he interacted better with some people rather than others. He also began to wonder why some conversations flowed naturally and some others didn't. Since Erikson had no explanation at the time, he assumed that there was something wrong with people who didn't understand him and he began to avoid those people.

When Erikson was 25, he met a man named Sture. Sture started his business from scratch and had built it for many years. Erikson had to interview him for a project and through their discussions, he discovered that Sture felt he was surrounded by idiots who didn't understand him. This incident planted a series of thoughts in Erikson's mind. Sture was a successful businessman but still couldn't understand his employees even though he communicated with them regularly. Erikson decided he didn't want to be like Sture and began to study how to understand people who initially seem difficult.

In the course of his research, Erikson discovered The DISA method ā€” a way of describing human interaction and classifying behavior. Bill Bonnstetter and his son David created a software system based on this method and this is what Erikson uses throughout this summary. Bill and David successfully ran their company, TTI Success Insights, using this method. DISA stands for Dominance, Inspiration, Submission, and Analytic ability/Compliance. These 4 terms represent the primary behavior types and explain how people see themselves in relation to their environment. These 4 behavior types are also associated with different colors: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue.
Research alone doesn't make you a good communicator. You get better when you use your knowledge to develop real steps.
ā€œSurrounded by Idiotsā€ aims at revealing human potential. It also offers practical advice on communicating with different kinds of people and helps you see ā€œidiotsā€ as people worthy of respect and understanding.

Keep reading to find out the differences in the 4 behavior types and how you can use these differences to your advantage.

It is essential to understand that communication usually happens on the listener's terms

When you talk to someone, they filter your message through their biases and preconceived ideas. What remains after that process is the message they understand and this is why it is possible for someone to misinterpret your message. You have little control over this process and no matter how much sense you are trying to make, this will always be one of the many challenges of communication.
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We are the way we are because of our genes and environment


People exhibit the traits that are peculiar to their behavior category


People communicate with others based on their existing perceptions about them


Learning is a cycle that goes on throughout life


Adaptation is a necessary skill for human survival


Like almost everything else, delivering negative feedback requires skill


Some people donā€™t just get along even when they try, and itā€™s not their fault


Anger is a common emotion but every behavior type expresses it differently



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