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Summary of The Ideal Team Player 

Short summary

Several factors contribute to the success of teams and organizations. Among them are virtuous attributes of team members that have been underplayed for long enough. To be an ideal team player and give your organization the best of you, it becomes essential to do concurrent self-assessments. Being humble, hungry, and smart will take team members’ careers to the optimum and make them a perfect fit in any organization. The Ideal Team Player tells an entirely realistic story about how occupational virtues can transform the ecosystem at work. This summary provides a rich narrative of an altogether practical story and actionable steps for utilizing the takeaway. Patrick Lencioni is a writer and management consultant resident in Alamo, California. His experience in the development of executive teams and maintaining organizational health has gained him profound recognition. According to the Wall Street Journal, Lencioni is one of the highest sought-after business speakers. “The most unhappy people in a company are the ones who don’t fit the culture and are allowed to stay. They know they don’t belong. Deep down inside, they don’t want to be there. They’re miserable.” ~ Patrick Lencioni

Key points


The necessity of humble, hungry, and smart team players

Organizations of the 21st century have realized the many benefits of teamwork and healthy team culture. However, is anything missing? Why do many teams still find it challenging to make headway, despite their highly talented membership? Responses to these questions border on a set of complementary but underrated virtues.

Interestingly, humble, hungry, and smart team players are not only valuable in the context of work. They equally make excellently amiable spouses, parents, and other vital roles of life. A random sampling of team members, leaders, and business executives will show that the team player model is popular. However, it comes as a surprise that few people possess traits that align with the ideal team player model.

Team players are not born that way. Instead, they grow into the traits gleaned from work history, life experiences, or active dedication to personal development. This information helps us understand that the behaviors that make a work team a healthy one are learnable. In effect, anyone can learn to be vulnerably trustworthy, engage in a healthy conflict, be accountable, actively commit, and focus on helping the team achieve positive results.
Humble, hungry, and smart team players are to an organization what speed, strength, and coordination are to athletics.
The humble, hungry, and smart attributes may not be residual in all individuals. However, leaders can narrow down the traits that symbolize the presence of these attributes during recruitment. Also, they can even build a culture that encourages and drives workers to fit into the ideal team player model. Before long, the productivity reports of such an organization will experience exponential improvement relative to team play culture.

Just in case you’ve equally downplayed the three simple attributes that greatly aid teamwork, this summary will help you understand several benefits your team is losing. Read through to learn the manifold ways in which the humble-hungry-smart can add unprecedented value to your person and group.

A story of discontent with the status quo

Jeff Shanley is a business executive that has done well for himself in the past 20 years. He had several highs and achievements of note and a few lows that helped him grow. However, after his long stint in Silicon Valley, he decided to go for other challenges.
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Unveiling the impending realities


That eureka moment!


Swing that bat — walk the talk


Model—getting the right people on the job



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