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Summary of The End of Stress 

Short summary

The author of this book takes you on a four-step process to overcome stress. How often do you consider yourself truly stressed? Be honest. For most people, it’s a common thing. We live in stressful times, but learning to truly understand the stress and where it comes from is the key to reducing it. This book takes you on a journey into just what happens within your body when you become stressed. From the heart to the immune system, adrenal system, and beyond, this fascinating insight into the world of stress could very well be enough to stamp it out of your life for good. You will learn that positive mindset alters your brain, not only to eradicate worries, but also to increase the functions of your brain. You will even learn the physical impact of stress and many effective tools for managing it.

Key points


What is stress?

Most of us state that we are stressed out at least a few times a day, but what do we actually mean? Most of us are talking about situations that are going on around us, e.g. work, family problems, etc, but stress is actually a problem which occurs within the body. Stress is basically overload, and it occurs for physically and psychologically in its effects.

In the US, it is estimated that the economic cost of illnesses related to stress is more than $200 billion every single year. Stress is life-threatening when left unchecked, leading to cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks. The immune system is also affected, leaving you open to illness and viruses as you go about your daily life.
“External events unite with the discomfort of our own response to overwhelm us and exhaust our ability to cope”
The human body is built to withstand a certain amount of stress, but only when necessary. When the natural stress response is triggered on a continual or too frequent basis, the effect turns from preventative to damaging. During this stress response, the body’s major systems all join forces, so when stress is prolonged or chronic, all major systems are equally as affected. This response is called “fight or flight” and it is designed to help the body cope in an emergency, and come out the other side unscathed, providing the body with everything it needs to survive.

Stress can help us deal with situations which pose a threat to our survival or our happiness, but prolonged stress can be damaging for health and wellbeing.

The human body is designed to withstand moderate stress, but it is certainly not designed to withstand prolonged, severe stress.

Allostasis and allostatic load

The body seeks to remain within a “normal” mode at all times, with the “fight or flight” option there to help the body survive difficult situations. Allostasis is a derivative of homeostasis, i.e. a need for the body to remain within a steady state for the general running of all bodily systems. Put simply, the body wants to remain the same, it doesn’t like change. Allostasis takes that a slight step further and incorporates the various methods the body puts into place to deal with stress and to ensure that nothing strays too far away from the norm.
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It’s just emotions?


The stress response


The brain and stress


When protection turns negative


The immune system and stress


6 steps to less stress


Stress protection as a positive


In the future…



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