Short summary
Key points
Identify the antics of the Devil so that you can outwit him
Failure becomes inevitable when one is led by fear rather than faith. Our society instills this fear in us. Churches remind us of the need to beware of the devil. Schools hardly teach children what they need to function in the real world. Rote memorization of facts and figures is what is rampant in schools. While attempting to create the first philosophy of individual achievement, Hill realized this overwhelming fear and a lack of individuality in society. He conducted several interviews about successes and failures but he found that the responses didn’t add up to a concrete philosophy. Indecision and fear got him stuck and confused. One day, while taking a walk, he had an epiphany. He found that by counteracting fear and doubt, he could complete his research on the philosophy of individual achievement. He calls it Infinite Intelligence.
There are 7 principles for outwitting the Devil in your life:
• Definiteness of purpose
• Mastery over self
• Learning from adversity
• Controlling environmental influence (associations)
• Time (giving permanency to positive, rather than negative though-habits and developing wisdom)
• Harmony (acting with definiteness of purpose to become the dominating influence in your own mental, spiritual, and physical environment)
• Caution (thinking through your plan before you act)
• These principles may help you identify and reveal what is holding you back from achieving your greatest success.
Yes, nature uses hypnotic rhythm to make one's dominating thoughts and one's thought-habits permanent. That is why poverty is a disease. Nature makes it so by fixing permanently the thought-habits of all who accept poverty as an unavoidable circumstance. Through the same law of hypnotic rhythm, nature will also fix permanently positive thoughts of opulence and prosperity. ~ Napoleon Hill
Did you know? Outwitting the Devil is a message Napoleon Hill wanted to share with the world in the 1930s but was not released until 2011.