Short summary
Key points
Reality exists in the mind: you are what your beliefs say you are
Truth is, our world is ruled by the sets of unchanged beliefs that humans pass on to each other from generation to generation. It's our beliefs that build expectations, rules, and results.
For instance, a child grows up with the sets of belief systems injected into him from — first — his immediate family, then school, church, friends, and the society at large.
This wouldn't have been a problem if over 90% of what we believe wasn’t wrong. But unfortunately, it is.
Our beliefs create a special cage for each and everyone of us. We can't move past this cage unless we change what we believe about ourselves, and how the world works. We got these beliefs because we agreed to them — and if we want to change them, we have to agree on something else, because, unfortunately, the mind is the driver of our lives and it can't be empty of beliefs.
It's easier to inherit belief systems as children than to debunk them and gain new ones, but the good news is, each time you break an agreement or belief, you regain the power you used to create it in the first place, and this power can be used to break other agreements.
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