Short summary
Key points
In a competitive industry, teamwork is more important than finance, strategy, and even technology because it is the difference maker
It is difficult but not impossible to build a strong team. Teamwork comes down to mastering a set of behaviors that are at once theoretically uncomplicated, but extremely difficult to put into practice on a daily basis. Interestingly, these behaviors are multifunctional and cut across different fields — from business to religion.
The five dysfunctions of a team are:
• Absence of trust
• Fear of conflict
• Lack of commitment
• Avoidance of accountability
• Inattention to results
You need to assess your team to know the type of dysfunction it may be experiencing. Problem identification is the first step to seeking real solutions.
The ideas in this summary will reveal what’s causing disruption in your team and offer strategies for tackling the abnormality.
No matter your position on a team, this summary can help you improve in your role. You can also tap into the real power of teamwork — achieving more than individuals could ever imagine doing alone.