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Summary of How Not to Diet 

Short summary

From the stables of New York Times bestselling author and globally renowned nutrition expert comes a hands down, practical approach to sustainable weight loss. “How Not to Diet” is drawn out of the latest scientific discovery on the leading causes and remedies of obesity. Michael Greger isn't just particular about dietary changes, he also shows you weight loss accelerators you can capitalize on and build a lifestyle around, to ensure the fat you lose never returns. This summary will give you actionable tips from the book that you can start implementing right away. “I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.” ~ Joyce Meyer

Key points


You can get rid of obesity once and for all

Obesity is one of the hottest topics in nutrition and medical science. This is because a good percentage of the population is affected by it. There are literally millions of books, articles and courses flying around on the Internet that claim to help people reduce the extra body fat they carry around.

Many of such materials have no solid foundation in science, nor can they be explained by it. Most of them are products of trial and error, and rely upon testimonials to convince people into using them. But “How Not to Diet” is different from every such material. This summary is based on results from scientific research that has been going on for decades.

Michael Greger is a researcher and teacher who loves digging up facts and making them plain to the public. His book was born out of a research project he embarked upon with his research team. This summary has condensed the most important takeaways for you, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
When it comes to weight loss, science proven techniques are the only sure bet you have.
Let's start with the basics. What exactly is obesity, and how do you know if you're obese or not? Most people think they know the answer to these questions, but they don't.

You don't consider someone obese simply because they seem to have extra weight. There's a difference between being overweight and being obese. People are obese only when they have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is classified overweight, while ideal weight is between 18.5 and 24.9.

It's easy to calculate your BMI on your own. You could either visit an online BMI calculator or do it manually. For the manual calculation, multiply your weight in pounds by 703, then divide the number twice by your height in inches.

For example, if you weigh 250 pounds and are 70 inches tall, your BMI is (250×703÷70÷70) 35.9.
Obesity starts from a BMI of 30, but you're considered overweight, if your BMI falls between 25 and 29.9.

The food industry is primarily responsible for increase in obesity

Many people are confused. Have humans always been obese or is it something that started only recently?
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Going natural is the most reliable solution to obesity


Your own biological drive can become your greatest enemy


Accountability is a great weight loss tool


The knowledge of chronobiology will help you lose weight sustainably


Dr. Michael Greger's guide to eating healthy



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