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How to Help Kids Focus: Comprehensive Guide for Parents


Did you know that the average human attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds to 8.25 seconds in the last two decades? This reality is a pressing issue, especially for children whose attention spans are so short that even new toys only hold their attention for a few hours. Have you witnessed this yourself?

The situation only worsens when parents push their children to do activities (for example, studying for class) that require mental effort and concentration. But just because a child has trouble concentrating doesn't mean they have a learning disorder such as ADHD or hyperactivity.

Would you like to help children improve their focus and become better learners? Using insights from 'Stolen Focus,' '365 Screen Free Days,' and 'Prepared,' let's examine why some children may have trouble focusing and determine how you can help solve this problem.

Understanding child focus challenges

Concentration refers to the mental effort dedicated to activities or studies at a specific moment. When a child can focus well, they spend less time and energy on learning tasks.

Factors that can negatively impact focus and concentration include:

  • Anxiety

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Lack of structure in daily chores

  • Dietary factors

  • Excessive screen time

  • Social media (especially for teens)


A child's attention is a complex and sensitive mechanism that needs careful attention. They may have trouble concentrating for various reasons, such as a noisy environment or information overload, emotional ups and downs, or not getting enough support from adults. It is important to remember that each child is unique, and their attention problems are not a sign of weakness or failure but rather a reflection of their characteristics.

Practical strategies to enhance kids' focus

Today's children face overwhelming amounts of information and schoolwork, making it hard for them to focus, relax, and engage in activities that require concentration. However, there is a way: Parents and teachers can help build foster children's concentration skills. Let's figure it out together.

1. Find and reduce distractions

Observe what distracts your child the most. For instance, is their attention drawn to bright posters above their workspace, too many colorful toys, or a smartphone within reach? Try making a list of these distractions and think about ways to eliminate them. This advice is also practical for adults.

Children can't filter out noise like adults can, so you must create an appropriate atmosphere to increase your child's ability to focus. Avoid talking on the phone or watching TV when your child is doing something near you. As a parent, set a positive example for your child by establishing quiet time where you enjoy reading or working while your child is learning. Your example will inspire them to stay on task.

"The more people stared at their phones, the more money these companies made. Period. The people in Silicon Valley did not want to design gadgets and websites that would dissolve people's attention spans. They often ban their own kids from using the sites and gadgets they design, and send them instead to tech-free Montessori schools." ― Johann Hari, 'Stolen Focus'

2. Create a distraction-free, organized workspace for the child

The learning process requires a calm and comfortable environment where your child can relax without irritations or distractions. Use drawers and organizers to store textbooks, notebooks, and school supplies in an orderly manner. Convenient organization helps children quickly find what they need. Arrange items so your child stays focused, keeping unnecessary objects off their work surface. Also, ensure their room has proper ventilation. When children feel stuffy, their activity level decreases, and they become fatigued faster.

If siblings are distracting each other, have them work in separate rooms. For example, while one child practices the piano in the living room, the other can do homework in the kids' room; one has a snack in the kitchen, and the other reads in a cozy corner. Having all the children in one room can often become chaotic and counterproductive. To support your children's development, provide dedicated spaces for learning, art, and free play.

"When we enable kids to follow their curiosities and interests, they learn much more. As they learn much more, they get better at learning. It becomes a virtuous cycle." ― Diane Tavenner, 'Prepared'

3. Reduce screen time

Another way to encourage children to be more focused is limiting their time spent on YouTube, TikTok, or video games. 

Research shows that fast-paced cartoons can shorten attention spans and affect executive function in children between 4 and 7 years old. Too much stimulation from television, computers, and video games can harm concentration. Experts recommend that children should have no more than an hour or two of screen time each day. And children under the age of 2 should avoid screen time altogether.

In '365 Screen-Free Days,' Dae Lee encourages parents to create an atmosphere their kids will enjoy more than the online world. Read books with them, solve puzzles, play board games, cook dinner together, build forts with blankets and chairs, and involve them in household chores. Even simple activities like turning off the TV and talking with your young child can develop their attention span. Give them your full attention while genuinely listening to them, and watch how they model you to maintain focus.

"When you are afraid to miss something online, you let many beautiful, real-life moments pass you by." – Dae Lee, '365 Screen free days'

4. Build a clear schedule

Balance the amount of time spent studying and resting — high-concentration activities should alternate with relaxation and low-focus time. You can use the Pomodoro method, using timers to work for 15 to 25 minutes followed by 5-to-10-minute breaks, or simply monitor your child's energy levels. The main thing is that the activity during the break shouldn't require high concentration. For example, you can do a simple physical exercise, dance, look out the window, or drink a glass of water (lack of water affects the brain and the ability to concentrate).

A daily routine becomes especially important during online learning. A clear schedule helps the child develop self-control and concentration skills while preventing distractions. When creating a schedule, the primary consideration is balancing learning with other essential activities like nutrition, physical activity, and rest. A properly constructed routine makes the child more disciplined and makes it easier to transition from one thing to another.


5. Implement more physical activities

Make sure kids spend plenty of time in fresh air. Active games and activities (running, cycling, football) are helpful for physical and child development and enhance concentration. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), spending time in nature can positively impact physical and mental health. 

Walking and outdoor activities work incredibly well for kids, whose boundless energy, growing bodies, and minds hungry for new information naturally thrive. That's why children need plenty of space and opportunities to move. 

You can discover wonderful ideas and participate in the 1,000 Hours Outdoors Challenge. This platform and blog support parents in encouraging families to spend more time outdoors. It advocates for children to have 4 to 6 hours of outdoor free play or exploration in the natural world each day.

6. Relaxation technique

Focus requires a calm mind. Teach children to relax. To do this, do breathing exercises with your child. 

Transform your workout into a genuinely uplifting experience by exercising in a cozy room next to a sunny window, on a spacious terrace, or surrounded by the beauty of a garden. Have the child lie on their back and place a soft toy on their stomach. Ask them to take a deep breath, lifting the toy as high as possible without using their hands. The higher the toy rises, the more air fills their lungs. Or you can encourage them to relax while they stretch their arms and wrists with fidget toys during stressful times.

A practical technique is the "Minute of Silence." Before beginning a task, encourage your child to find a comfortable position and sit quietly for a minute in complete silence. This practice will allow them to relax and prepare mentally for the work ahead.

Try mindfulness and meditation to calm down. Meditation is a valuable practice for improving concentration. If this practice is difficult for your child, try kid-friendly yoga or deep breathing exercises with them.

7. Leverage the power of self-regulation in sharpening a child's concentration

"We live in a culture that is constantly amping us up with stress and stimulation." ― Johann Hari, 'Stolen Focus'

Children who control their emotions can concentrate better on learning and completing tasks. They also become more resistant to stress, calm themselves, and regain balance faster after adverse events. 

"The sweet spot for smart decisions, then, comes not just from being a domain expert, but also from having high self-awareness." ― Daniel Goleman, 'Focus'

Self-regulation is one of the most essential skills children must develop throughout their growth. It helps them manage their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts, allowing them to better adapt to changes in their environment. Self-regulation is crucial for children because it fosters self-control and self-discipline. These skills are fundamental for achieving goals, completing tasks, and overcoming challenges. 

Additionally, self-regulation helps children better understand themselves, their needs, and their desires, contributing to positive self-awareness and self-esteem. Moreover, self-regulation plays a significant role in children's development, particularly in problem-solving abilities and effective stress management. It equips children with tools to calm themselves, reduce anxiety, and enhance concentration. These skills are vital for their psychological well-being, successful learning experiences, and social skills.

"Our communities need adults who, when they encounter a complex moral issue, have the decision-making skills to contemplate both sides, apply different types of reasoning, and question assumptions." ― Diane Tavenner, 'Prepared'

8. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking has become a part of everyday life, and while it might seem like a good way to get more done, science suggests otherwise. Scientists used neuroimaging studies of the brain special memory tests and assessed the multitasking index, which describes a person's ability to do several things simultaneously. 

The results suggested that people are not as good at multitasking as they think. The brain is not designed to handle two or more things at once. As a result, people switch from one task to another and cannot give full attention to any of these tasks.

9. Do focus exercises

Children who have trouble concentrating often benefit from specific concentration exercises. These mental training exercises involve focusing on a particular activity for short periods. Since adults can also benefit from these exercises, try them alongside your child.

Some easy exercises include:

  • Draw for 15 minutes.

  • Take turns tossing a balloon or small ball.

  • Set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes and practice blinking as little as possible.

  • Enjoy a lollipop without biting it. Pay attention to the taste, texture, and how long it lasts.

After finishing an exercise, take a moment to reflect on how you or your child felt. Notice where the focus slipped and work on improving that aspect in everyday life.

10. Implement balanced nutrition and adequate sleep

What else can cause a lack of focus? Is your child hungry or tired? To help overcome hunger or fatigue, give your child a snack before starting homework or any other structured task. Make the snack healthy, not too sugary, or high in cholesterol. Good options include whole-grain crackers, fresh vegetable salad with light dressing, yogurt, or fruit. A proper breakfast is essential, as it helps increase morning concentration. Even mild dehydration can make it difficult to concentrate or remember information. 

Ensure your child gets enough rest. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, children ages 3 to 5 should sleep 10 to 13 hours daily, including naps. Children ages 6 to 12 should sleep 9 to 12 hours regularly to promote optimal health. When children come home from daycare or school, they also need a short break. Regular lack of sleep can easily disrupt concentration, not to mention other cognitive functions, such as memory and attention.

"Every night, when you go to sleep, your brain is rinsed with a watery fluid. This cerebrospinal fluid washes through your brain, flushing out toxic proteins and carrying them down to your liver to get rid of them." – Johann Hari, 'Stolen Focus'


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By fostering balanced development in your child from an early age, you can set them up for success and strengthen their ability to focus. In today's world, focus is a crucial skill that enhances learning and productivity.

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