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How to Focus More: Build Lasting Habits for Better Concentration

Discover how the strategies of renowned authors can help you sharpen your focus, boost productivity, and overcome the challenges of constant digital distractions.

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Have you ever felt like your mind is constantly racing from thought to thought, unable to concentrate on a single task? You're not alone. The average person in our always-on, hyper-connected world checks their smartphones 96 times a day or once every 10 minutes of waking time. In 'Stolen Focus,' Johann Hari digs into this growing attention crisis plaguing Gen Z and millennials, shedding light on how digital stimuli and social media are creating focus issues that mirror ADHD symptoms. 

But don't worry, there's hope. You can train your brain to concentrate better using simple, proven techniques that will boost your sustained attention skills over time.

Why do we struggle to stay focused?

Focus is a deliberate act of concentrating on a specific task or objective while intentionally tuning out distractions and staying consistent in that state. It requires us to exercise our cognitive skills and emotional control to fight the lack of focus brought on by:

  • Never-ending distractions: Modern society bombards us with countless interruptions per minute. Social media platforms like X, Instagram, and YouTube keep competing for our attention, gradually shortening our attention span.

  • Information overload and suppressed motivation: The sheer volume of available information overwhelms our cognitive system, making it challenging to prioritize critical tasks.

  • Poor time management: When we can't effectively manage our time, stress levels rise, and work quality suffers, making it harder and harder to stay on top of responsibilities.

  • Procrastination habits: Lack of motivation reduces our focus and determination to finish projects.

  • Intense stress and anxiety: These emotional states create mental barriers that prevent us from maintaining focus on current tasks.


In this article, we will learn about the chaotic nature of the modern world and accessible "deep-focus" strategies from renowned experts and their best-selling publications: Johann E. Hari's 'Stolen Focus,' Peter C. Brown, Mark A. McDaniel, and Henry L. Roediger III's 'Make It Stick,' as well as Michael S. Hyatt's critically acclaimed 'Free to Focus.'

Hack your focus: Proven strategies to boost productivity

Throughout 'Stolen Focus,' you get to learn more about what scientists have revealed about the devastating impact of technology on our attention spans. That's why it is essential to "boost concentration" by managing interruptions like phone calls and texts:

"One study at the Carnegie Mellon University's Human Computer Interaction Lab took 136 students and got them to sit a test. Some of them had to have their phones switched off, and others had their phones on and received intermittent text messages. The students who received messages performed, on average, 20 percent worse."

In 'Make It Stick,' the authors dive into the science of learning and memory. They highlight the specifics of sustained attention, citing the cognitive mechanisms and offering options for ongoing upgrades:

"Two of the primary learning principles in the book: spaced repetition of key ideas, and the interleaving of different but related topics."

With 'Free to Focus,' Hyatt takes a different approach by offering usable techniques to enhance self-control and focus, such as designing a distraction-free environment nurturing your mindfulness as an individual:

"For real productivity, however, we need to prioritize people. You're a human being, not a human doing."

Overall, the authors show how developing deep focus will help you complete tasks, raise your productivity index, and improve your self-esteem. 

Strategy 1: Say "No" to short-term results

When mending our usual workday schedule, we must look beyond temporary fixes and cultivate long-term attention-building skills. Whether working in an office or remotely, identify the root causes behind your attention struggles first and then design a conducive work environment for long-term focus improvement. But don't stop there; follow up by developing an exercise routine to maintain your physical health and cognitive function. For example, 5-minute breaks during intense work periods prevent mental burnout in the long run.


Strategy 2: Create a no-distraction workplace

In 'Free to Focus,' shows you how to construct a "focus factory" — a dedicated workspace that aligns with your "desire zone." This space is tailored to your personality and helps you avoid your major distractions, enabling a lasting high focus:

"True productivity is about doing more of what is in your desire zone and less of everything else."

For instance, relocating to a local coffee shop might be helpful if you are a remote or office worker since the new environment can refresh your mind and reinvigorate your productivity. 

Additionally, you might relate to some workers who use background music to stay motivated and concentrate at work. An empirical study by Luca Kiss and Karina J. Linnell found that "background music increased the proportion of task-focus states by decreasing mind-wandering." Another effective strategy is time-blocking — deliberately scheduling every part of your day to maintain structure and focus.

Practical steps to design your distraction-free workspace

To build a workplace that strengthens your focus, follow these steps: 

  • Minimize distractions: Disable notifications on your devices via "Do Not Disturb" mode during working hours, just like the Headway Team writers often do. Use an ad blocker and rearrange your workspace to minimize visual clutter.

  • Set up a focus-friendly environment: Create a list of locations where you can complete your projects without being interrupted too much, such as a library or a co-working space. Set a daily alert to remind you to focus, and don't underestimate the power of to-do lists and task-management software.


  • Practice mindfulness and self-care: Remember to take regular breaks and engage in deep breathing exercises and reflective meditation to relieve stress and maintain focus. Physical activities like cycling or jogging might also help keep your morale high.

Moreover, following advice from industry experts like Hyatt can help you stay on track and guide your journey toward a distraction-free mindset. 

Strategy 3: Try the gentle version of an "absolute focus" approach

When improving attention quality, slow and steady wins the race. Pushing too hard too fast can trigger stress and anxiety, potentially harming mental health. In 'Stolen Focus,' we learn how technologies can rapidly diminish our natural ability to concentrate when we don't keep our attachment to devices and inventions in check.

"The brain…. It's designed to pay attention to the stuff that matters to you."

'Free to Focus' promotes the value of self-care in sustaining productivity by offering actionable strategies to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance, which is ideal for optimizing well-being.

"The stories we create to understand ourselves become the narratives of our lives, explaining the accidents and choices that have brought us where we are: what I'm good at, what I care about most, and where I'm headed."

Rather than insisting that we must solely work on our sheer concentration, the authors want us to embrace our natural focus skills, set clear goals, keep our projects broken into manageable phases, and prioritize rest and adequate sleep.

Objectively, it's unrealistic to maintain an unwavering focus on work or studies at all times. This is why it is essential to stay consistent with your self-development. Try recollecting what you've learned and reinforce your understanding by sharing your knowledge. Don't rush, but focus on a single task at a time.

Strategy 4: Meditate and practice mindfulness to boost focus

Constant digital interruptions have weakened our natural focus ability, reducing overall productivity and creativity. In these realities, meditation arises as a strong remedy. We can sharpen our concentration and reclaim our focus by conditioning our minds to stay present and attentive.


For instance, consider the "mindfulness in everyday activities" strategy: 

  • Choose a simple daily activity, such as savoring a tasty meal, taking a relaxed stroll, or enjoying a refreshing shower. 

  • Focus your full attention on this activity, being aware of the sensations you feel, the sounds around you, and the thoughts that come to your mind.

  • Resist the urge to allow your imagination to wander; instead, immerse yourself in the moment. 

  • Commit to being genuinely present.

The surprising link between mindfulness and productivity

In 'Make It Stick,' Brown and his co-authors suggest that mindfulness and meditation can facilitate memory, learning, and focus by lowering stress levels. By cultivating a peaceful and attentive mindset, you can better absorb and retain information.

In 'Free to Focus,' Hyatt, an expert in productivity themes, highlights the significance of minimizing distractions from your top-priority tasks. Throughout your day, you can meditate to prioritize effectively, train your mind to silence racing thoughts, and maintain sustained focus.

Meditation has genuine transformative potential to hone your concentration skills. Regular mindful practices can foster inner calm and satisfaction; the mental clarity you gain will enhance your memory, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Activities like puzzles, reading, and artistic pursuits can equip you to tackle challenges innovatively, helping you accomplish more in less time.

Strategy 5: Consider proven time-management techniques 

Prioritizing tasks is essential for learning and productivity upscaling. Integrating the following strategic tools into your routine can help you manage stress effectively and improve your academic scores. Making these practices a habit will bring long-lasting fruits you can harvest throughout your life.


Valid time management techniques 

  1. The Eisenhower Matrix and the Pomodoro Technique

The Eisenhower Matrix is a strategic tool that enables you to sort tasks into four separate quadrants according to their urgency and significance. Assigning priority levels to tasks puts your focus on the most urgent and significant ones, ensuring that critical issues get your attention first. 

A Pomodoro Technique suggests segmenting your work into intervals, usually lasting 25 minutes, followed by a short break (5 minutes). This recognized method fosters your sustained concentration through regular pauses, which can help alleviate or prevent mental fatigue

Both strategies have been proven to elevate task-management skills and improve self-efficiency in people's personal and professional lives.

  1. 2 Time management techniques: Division of tasks per priority level

By designating specific times for concentrated work, you increase the likelihood of staying focused on the materials at hand. Prioritizing tasks well and chunking massive projects will help you meet deadlines without getting swamped. Setting aside specific times for study can also provide a sense of control. 

Strategies like spaced repetition combined with the Pomodoro Technique allow you to absorb and recall information better. The sense of accomplishment makes studying more enjoyable and encourages a "positive feedback loop," prompting you to set and achieve even more challenging goals.

Expert tips for small lifestyle changes with big impact

In 'Stolen Focus,' 'Make It Stick,' and 'Free to Focus,' the authors try their best to convince us that our lifestyle choices are way too impactful to neglect them. Getting enough sleep, keeping up physical activity, and sticking to proper nutrition instructions are the keys to not just enhanced performance but a longer, healthier life:

  • Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is vital for our mental clarity, longer attention span, and optimal cognitive functions. The lack of sleep can have a ripple effect on various aspects of life. Extended periods of no-sleep stress result in elevated stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can disrupt our neural processes. 

  • Exercise: If we exercise regularly, it will induce our blood flow, which will deliver all the nutrients to our brain and ensure it releases enough neurotransmitters like dopamine to regulate our mood, increase our stamina, and reduce signs of stress and anxiety.

  • Nutrition: To keep our cognitive abilities sharp, we must choose food cautiously and maintain a calorie-nutrition balance. Fruits and vegetables are an elemental component of a microelements-rich diet. For instance, having blueberries decreases possible oxidative damage to our brain cells. Apples contain dietary fiber, keeping inflammation at bay and preventing neurological disorders. In seafood, nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids boost our long-term brain health. The same goes for giving up caffeine and sugary snacks and opting for whole grains and plant-based dishes.

  • Stress management: Chronic stress almost inevitably leaves the body mentally exhausted. Practices like the "Box Breathing" method use a specific rhythm that can soothe nerves and improve cognitive-mental performance: (1) inhale gently through the nose while counting to four, (2) then hold your breath for the same duration, (3) exhale unhurriedly through your mouth, and (4) finally hold your breath again for the same four seconds before starting the cycle all over again until you get your focus back.

  • Digital detox: In today's highly interconnected society, abusing screen time isn't uncommon. It overstimulates and overloads the brain, making it easily irritable if something requires you to stay attentive longer than you would like. Trying regular digital detoxes (check out expert podcasts) alleviates these effects. Set aside "going unplugged" hours to practice mindfulness by enjoying nature or hobbies. While working, be sure to do it in an ambient atmosphere.


Active use of lifestyle-modifying tools improves your focus both right now and over time. Re-assessing and refining habits will make your days more satisfying, as a well-rested mind enhances problem-solving abilities and boosts your ability to achieve goals in a healthier way.

Final step: Develop long-term focus habits

To learn more about developing perseverance to stay focused, dive deeper into the pages of 'Make It Stick.' Pay attention to specific types of repetition and retrieving practices that foster attention levels. The authors particularly recommend a few actionable steps to build lasting habits:

  1. Begin with a realistic objective: Concentrate for 15 minutes without interruptions. As you gain confidence, slowly add more.

  2. Implement spaced repetition: Avoid attempting to do all your focus practice in a single day. Instead, distribute the sessions over time — it will assist your brain in reinforcing a new habit.

  3. Test a retrieval practice: Self-test your memory frequently to strengthen your concentration habits. Use timers to structure focused work periods. Try out a mindfulness strategy that suits your personality.

  4. Monitor your advancement: Record your achievements to encourage yourself and pinpoint areas that need enhancement. A journal or habit-tracking software might be helpful.

  5. Find a "focus partner": Team up with a friend or family member. Having someone who will hold you accountable can keep you inspired and committed to your goals.

  6. Create a conducive environment: Reduce distractions in your workspace. Define specific working hours so that your schedule encourages you to concentrate your efforts on pre-set priorities.

Adhering to these guidelines can steadily improve your habits — but only if you stay patient and consistent. Be stoic and celebrate your successes along the way.

Advanced tips: Warren Buffet's focus strategy and James Clear's emphasis on process

To put it briefly, Warren Buffet's focus strategy and James Clear's emphasis on process align closely with 'Stolen Focus,' 'Make It Stick,' and 'Free to Focus' ideas. You can improve your focus and physical condition by prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, and focusing on building lasting habits.

Focus like Buffett: Prioritize and conquer

Warren Buffet's focus strategy is simple: steer clear of multitasking and work on a limited number of high-impact activities. Calculate and assign priority levels after thorough deliberation, as you will invest more time and resources into these specific matters.


The secret to lasting change: Focus on the process, not the outcome

James Clear's idea of "process over outcomes" wants you to focus on building habits and a systematic approach rather than worrying too much about immediate results. A focused environment and established routines are your first assistants to form positive behavioral patterns, stay in a deep focus, and prevent burnout.

Master your focus with the Headway app 

Would you like to improve your ability to focus further? The Headway app offers a variety of book summaries on this topic. By exploring these summaries or listening to them in audio, you can learn about principles and tools that will add to the key concepts of the books 'Stolen Focus,' 'Make It Stick,' and 'Free to Focus.'

In 'Atomic Habits,' James Clear offers methods for forming helpful habits that would substitute for the poor ones, increasing a person's productivity. Cal Newport's 'Deep Work' emphasizes the importance of a focused, undistracted working process for maximizing the outcome. Charles Duhigg's 'The Power of Habit' also explores focus-interrupting habits as the first step of active work to align your goals with aspired habits.

Reading these summaries and applying the insights in your daily routine can enhance your perception of focus phenomena and concentration-boosting techniques. To elevate your knowledge even more, consider exploring the following reading lists suggested by the Headway App Team: "141 Must-Read Success Books," "32 Best Books on Focus," "11 Best Attention Books," and "4 Best Books on Distraction." 

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