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The Movember: self-care reminder for men

Acknowledging the vulnerability of men; towards all-round health and vitality

“Women are poor leaders,” “men should never cry.” Have you ever come across such expressions parading the same or similar brand of gender stereotypes? Masculinity has been given several unhealthy tags that make adult men end up bottling strong emotions and refuse to admit a need for medical or consultative help. Such gender stereotypes can be nipped right from childhood by actively engaging boys.

World over, November is taken as the month to bring awareness to male problems. These challenges range from men suicide, prostate and testicular cancer, etc. These concerted efforts over the years culminated in an annual event known as Movember.

Since we are still in the mood of the worldwide Movember movement, we decided to create this booklist to encourage men to pay more attention to their physical and mental health.

SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit and Eternally Awesome by Darin Olien

Eternal awesomeness! Who wouldn’t want that? All you need to do is focus on the Five Life Forces, and your body will do the rest. Darin shows you exactly what to do, step by step so that you can live big, laugh more, and maximize your potential.” –

Tony Horton

Darin Olien mixes his academic prowess with life passions in this one-of-a-kind health and wellbeing guide. Olien revolutionizes our outlook on human vitality, assessing it through the lens of what he calls the life forces. Alkalization, Hydration, Oxygenation, Quality Nutrition, and Detoxification are the five ‘life forces’ discussed in the book. Without following stringent prescriptions of awkward diets, Olien explains how you can balance all the five life forces. The attained balance will keep the body at its optimum, as it self-repairs and adjusts as is needful. Tired of trying to lose weight or keep cancer at bay by following unrealistic diets? Try out SuperLife. You can thank us later.

Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings by Thibaut Meurisse

We have daily highs and lows when it comes to emotions. There are moments when we feel on top of the world for no particular reason, and sometimes nothing seems to excite us. Thibaut Meurisse has the answer to the sinusoidal nature of human emotions. In Master Your Emotion, Meurisse highlights thirty simple strategies to help you actualize emotional freedom.

Taking your emotions’ helms will go a long way in yielding healthy outcomes in all your relationships. Workplace interactions, playtime with the kids, pillow talk with your spouse – every single connection will be affected positively.

The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health by Emeran Mayer

When it comes to expert advice regarding the elusive relationship between our brain and gut, our plug would be Ted Talk veteran – Emeran Mayer. In his book, Mayer gives this practical illustration of the undeniable relationship between the brain and our guts:

If you’ve ever felt queasy as you walked into an uncomfortable situation or based a life decision on a ‘gut feeling,’ then you know that sometimes our bodies react faster and often wiser than our minds. Most of us have also experienced the same phenomenon in reverse, where our mental state has affected our digestive systems – the butterflies in our stomach before a first date, or the anxious rumbling we feel when we feel stressed out or upset.

Mayer has a lot of practical recommendations for what he calls a mind-gut balance. This balance gives you a shot at living an optimally healthy life.

Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness by Vex King

Vex King’s book maps out the path to greatness and self-fulfillment. This title encourages every aspiring achiever to be more by striving to listen to themselves and take care in the first place. Good Vibes, Good Life discusses how the laws of attraction and vibration work. It is easy for individuals who operate at a similar relational wavelength to find their way into our lives. In effect, Vex King encourages changing the atmosphere around us by living better lives.

Books like King’s Good Vibes, Good Life will help you prioritize yourself before seeking to reach out to help others.

How to Not Always Be Working: A Toolkit for Creativity and Radical Self-Care by Marlee Grace

It takes some measure of human creativity and self-care, as Marlee Grace teaches, to control our career life. Many men are working today as a form routine, and their jobs have gotten the best of them.

It’s about loving being alive so much that you can step back and say, ‘Yes, this is what I want to be paying attention to.’ And no matter what your profession or task or job is, you are the boss of your body, and you are the boss of your decisions.”

Marlee Grace’s quote above is a pert overview of what How to Not Always be Working addresses. Take care of yourself, reclaim your life.

Vibrant Men, Lovely World

Just take a moment to imagine how vibrant and relatively peaceful our world would be if our men lived balanced lives. What if men confided more in their spouses or a therapist? What if they created time to walk for five miles every week? What if we curbed the occurrence of male suicides? Explore the possibilities of a better life by resolving the dangling questions of fulfillment – read and emancipate your potentials!

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