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Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is a self-help book by relationship expert Dr. John Gray, that helps to understand the opposite sex with the goal that romantic relationships can be more loving, healthy, and satisfying. The key to a long-lasting and successful relationship is understanding and acknowledging gender contrasts by recognizing that men and women work as though they are from different planets. They have different emotional needs and they communicate differently. Setting aside time to make sense of these distinctions can enable the couple to be more lenient and forgiving of conduct that appears to be unfamiliar to them.

1.     Men want to feel needed while women want to feel valued

It’s basic for men to feel they are adding to the happiness and wellbeing of their partner. So, they might feel hurt or discouraged if their help is criticized or rejected. Meanwhile, women need to feel cherished. If a man jumps to offer solutions to problems instead of listening, she can translate this as a personal dismissal of her worries.

For instance, a wife may do everything possible to help her husband lose weight after the doctor found that he is prone to some health issues. She works hard at work, yet still, finds time to always cook healthy meals to keep the family healthy. She may even join him for exercise sessions to encourage him. If the husband complains that she doesn’t spend time on herself to look as good as she used to the relationship might be in jeopardy because her need is to feel cherished. If he is appreciative and offers to help out with the kids and chores, their marriage will be happier and stronger.

2.     Approaching your partner in the wrong way or at the wrong time might make him/her resistant to communication

If a man is stressing about the family finances after losing his job, it is wiser for the wife to wait until he is calmer to start talking about the debt collector that came to the home that afternoon. Yes, her worries are valid, but she needs to find the right time to talk.

Another woman might be upset by how much her husband spends on frivolities. However, if she criticizes him at the mall or discusses his wastefulness with her friends, he is less likely to accept the criticism in a good light.

Rhythmic dialogue is a term coined by Frances Cohen Praver, couple’s therapist, to refer to couples who allow each other to talk, as opposed to interrupting, or non-ending talks which might make the other partner close up.

In Psychology Today, Praver talked about Kate and Dylan, married clients who had communication problems. Kate frequently referred to every one of the things that her partner didn’t reciprocate, however, Praver could see that the genuine issue was that Kate was domineering to the point that her husband was hesitant to talk up. Praver urged Kate to listen more so her husband could talk about his worries and emotions without dread. Kate and Dylan changed their dynamic with the goal that Dylan is more assertive and Kate is more open to her husband’s opinions.

3.     Women need to feel heard and comprehended

Since men don’t find it necessary to talk about their feelings, they are baffled when their partner talks deeply about her feelings. But, in these moments, women need men to show care and concern to validate their feelings.

In 2015, a group of researchers at the University of Akron found that there’s really not a big contrast in the number of words men speak versus the ones that women speak. However, there is a big difference in how and when they talk. They actually discovered that men would talk more when they are reminiscing.

Psychologist Marty Nemko states that there is a negligible difference in the number of words spoken, but each gender seeks to accomplish different goals by communicating. He also states, “The difference might be that numerous men refrain from talking except if a productive result is likely.” This means that men are centered on external situations, while women look for chances for connection and intimacy.

A linguistics professor at Georgetown University, Deborah Tannen understood this in the conversations that she had with her husband. When others would comment that their relationship must be hard since they were rarely together, she would respond that their relationship has its difficulties. While her husband would get defensive about their setup and their marriage. Tannen observes, “My husband was just engaging with the world like other men do, as a person in a hierarchical social order in which he was defending his position.” Tannen found that ladies will, in general, view conversations in a different light. They consider communication to be an opportunity to be close to someone and supported by them. She states, “Life, then, is a network, a battle to safeguard intimacy and stay away from segregation.” When a lady opens up to her partner, she is expressing her intimacy and love even when her partner sees those emotions as negative.

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