Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christenson once said that management is the opportunity to help people become better people. But how does one become a better manager for those people? First, you must work on your soft skills, then assist in your employees’ development.
The Headway app will become your first-class assistant in gaining the necessary knowledge and skills. It provides fun and easy growth, helping people worldwide to become better versions of themselves, stay motivated, and feel happier. The app addresses two areas at once: you and your employees. It will help boost your communication skills, emotional intelligence and managerial skills, while becoming a great tool for your team’s growth. Each company member will get personalized growth plans with the corporate program Headway for Business.
Ready to become a better manager for your team? This article will show you some new habits to try out.
Habit 1. Collaborate with your team
As a manager, you set up a vision and direction for your team’s work but don’t take all the decision-making into your hands. Total control can demotivate your employees, remove their sense of responsibility for the job, and worsen its quality. Research shows that 74% of employees prefer a collaborating culture over a workflow where managers make all the decisions.
By trusting employees to offer their ideas and to make decisions and mistakes, you help people grow and gain additional valuable insight into your company’s projects.

The Headway app will come in handy if you struggle with delegating and trusting your employees. You can find dozens of non-fiction bestsellers about boosting managerial skills and learn more about the best practices in leading teams.
Habit 2. Get to know your team
Effective managers know their employees’ strongest skills and professional interests. Why is it important? It’s the only way you can disclose the full potential of your team and gain the best results.
You can get to know your employees better by having private conversations with them about their goals and development. Also, pay attention to peer feedback to get more insights into each team member’s strong and weak points.
The corporate program Headway for Business will provide you with even more insights into your team’s learning and development. What are they interested in? How does learning help progress at work? You’ll get all this information from the corporate subscription of the Headway app.
Habit 3. Ask for feedback
Giving candid feedback by pointing out things that need to be improved enhances your employee’s strong skills and is an integral part of the manager’s work. But what about asking employees for their honest feedback? You can get valuable insights from it and understand what skills, knowledge, and behavior you need to work on.
Remember that not all of your team is ready to tell you the truth straight forward, and that’s where they need your support. Encourage employees by starting an open conversation, reflecting on your weaknesses, tasks you could have done better, and ways to improve your work as a manager. Your self-review will set a good example and show you are interested in self-growth.
Habit 4. Help people grow
Your employees’ development is the biggest key to the company’s success, so you must keep an eye on your team’s learning. Discuss personal development plans with each team member, and assist them in creating goals and objectives for their achievement. And don’t forget to track the progress.
The Headway app is a great tool combining a variety of content formats for learning, so you can choose what suits your team’s needs best. With the corporate program of the Headway app, your employees can watch explainers to gain more knowledge in less time, and enjoy daily insights and widgets that motivate. They can also read or listen to 15-minute summaries from the best non-fiction books and get personalized recommendations and curated collections according to their learning requests.
The app can also help your employees acquire the necessary skills to grow into managers.
Habit 5. Work on self-awareness
Sometimes managers’ duties are exhausting as they demand constant decision-making and empathy. So, you need to practice self-awareness and watch your emotional state and resources. Try to start each day with careful prioritization and end it with an analysis of completed tasks and your well-being.
The Headway app can also help by providing customized content collections on improving mindfulness, increasing productivity, and becoming happier.