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Summary of A New Earth 

Short summary

In “A New Earth,” contemporary spiritual teacher and best-selling author Eckhart Tolle expands on some powerful ideas to illustrate how to transcend the ego-based state of consciousness. He argues that awakening to our true state of consciousness isn’t only vital to our happiness, but it is also the key to ending suffering and conflict throughout the world. Eckhart Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to jealousy, anger, and unhappiness and teaches us how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and live a truly fulfilling life. In this summary, you will learn how to recognize the egoic state of mind and counter its influence over your life. You will discover how to truly live in the moment by not letting the ego force you to worry about the things over which you have no control. "Don't let the world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Key points


The normal state of mind of most humans contains a strong element called dysfunction

The “normal” state of mind of most human beings embodies a strong component of dysfunction or even madness. Specific teachings at the center of Hinduism probably come closest to discern this dysfunction as a pattern of collective mental illness.

One of the greatest Indian scholars known as Ramana Maharshi, once said, “The mind is Maya.“ The Hindu word Maya means the veil of delusion — a form of mental illness that affects everyone collectively. So what we believe is our ”normal state of mind" isn't actually normal at all. The vast majority of us are operating in a dysfunctional, egoic state rather than an enlightened state of mind.
The extraordinary success of humanity is not its works of science, technology, or art, but the understanding of its own dysfunction, its own insanity.
Despite our advancement in science and technology, we are still plagued by a destructive force. It’s as if there is a part of us that simply wants to do terrible things. In fact, modern arts, science, and technology have intensified the violent effect that the dysfunction of the human mind has on other life-­forms and upon the planet in general. That is the reason why the narrative of the twentieth century is where that dysfunction is most clearly observed.

Over the course of history, there have been widespread circumstances where humans inflicted torture, hatred, and extensive violence on each other for ideological and religious reasons. Unfortunately, this dysfunction and the havoc it wreaks keeps accelerating and intensifying.
To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. ~ Eckhart Tolle
So, what is the solution to this fundamental problem of human nature? How do we transcend from a collective dysfunctional state of mind dominated by the ego into an enlightened consciousness? Read on to find out.

Ego: the current state of humanity

The word “I” encompasses the biggest error and the deepest truth, depending on how you use it. In traditional usage, it is one of the most often used words in language but also one of the most misleading. In ordinary everyday usage, “I” encompasses the immature error, a misperception of who you really are, and a false sense of individuality. That is the ego.
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Role playing: the many faces of the ego


The pain-body; an energy form that lives within most human beings


The realization that you have a pain­-body will help you regain your freedom


How to find out who you are



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